- 我們的外籍導師, 都是統一管理。
- 每一位導師都是我們的合約導師, 我們也會統一教學,質素比較穩定 。 跟一般語言中心比較, 他們大部分只是一個中介人角色, 負責介紹導師, 沒有統一的教材, 教學質素不穩定。
- 課程主要著重於聽與說的訓練。本課程可強化學員的實際交談能力, 在各場合能自由運用英語溝通。
- 目標學生:
1. 成人:已能用英語與外國人有效溝通, 想進一步深造英語的溝通, 和聽、說、讀、寫 各方面能力。
Business English Course
Communicating in Business is a short American English course for intermediate level students in or preparing for work who need to improve their communicative ability when socializing, telephoning, presenting, taking part in meetings and negotiating. Students analyze the requirements of the relevant communicative situation and are then given controlled and free stage practice to develop confidence, fluency, range and effectiveness. The second edition includes a Quick Communication Check in each unit and the material has been thoroughly updated with a greater focus on email communication.
General English for Adults
Key features
- Practises a range of professional communication skills including presenting, taking part in meetings and negotiating.
- Engages learners with specially-commissioned interviews with people from a range of professional backgrounds.
Authentic English | Case Study
Real English in a Business Environment
Financial Times articles and practice exercises help students develop English for business. Topics such as buying and selling, mergers and acquisitions, people skills, marketing and human resources expose students to the practicalities of business.
Consultant case studies help students learn general business practices while improving their English.
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